Le massicce scogliere dell’Algarve si accendono di rosso, silenziose osservatrici del passaggio della SF1000. La monoposto del Cavallino Rampante sfreccia lungo la costa Atlantica, una forza della natura, come l’oceano stesso.
Born in 1989, Giorgio Spalletta attended the International School of Comics in Rome, where he now works as a teacher. He lives In Rome and he’s one of the members of Studio Panopticon. He has worked with Bugs Comics (“Mostri, Alieni, Gangster”), Editoriale Aurea (“Border Town”), Sergio Bonelli editore (“Orfani: Sam”), and Editoriale Cosmo (“Caput Mundi” - official selection for the Micheluzzi Award in 2018 as best comic book series). He was David Messina’s art assistant on “Star Trek the Q Conflict” for IDW publishing.