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18 Apr 2020Press Releases

Ferrari comes to the aid of local communities

Ferrari comes to the aid of local communities

Maranello, 18 April 2020 – In response to the healthcare crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Ferrari has agreed to fund a series of initiatives in the region with the first activities concentrating on the immediate communities of Maranello, Fiorano and Formigine.

Aid to the different towns includes the following initiatives which were coordinated directly with the local authorities:

Further initiatives will be confirmed in the region over the coming weeks. The overall fund is almost €2million and was generated thanks to the Chairman, the CEO and Board of Directors pledging their full compensation from April to the end of the year, with the Senior Management Team donating 25% of their salaries for the same period.

Another practical expression of Ferrari’s solidarity with and desire to support both its local area and the nation at this difficult and uncertain time.

Ferrari comes to the aid of local communities

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