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    18 Oct 2023United States Gp

    United States Grand Prix 2023 by Paolo Villanelli

    Maranello 18 October 2023

    Paolo Villanelli, born in Rome in 1987, graduated in Economics and Management from Roma Tre before completing his studies at the Scuola Internazionale di Comics. He is a member of Baby Ruth Studio.

    His comic career began in 2014 with a short story in Hellraiser: Bestiary #5. Villanelli collaborated with IDW as a penciler and cover artist from 2014 onwards, working on titles like “G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero”, “Action Man”, and “Optimus Prime.” He has also created cover art for various titles, including “G.I. Joe”, “Action Man”, “TMNT”, “G.I. Joe vs. Street Fighter”, “First Strike”, and “Rom vs. Transformers: Shining Armors”.

    Since 2016, he collaborates with Marvel Comics, contributing to titles like “Squadron Supreme,” “Guardians Of Infinity”, “Deadpool”, “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story”, and “Generations: the Marvels”.