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    Four memorable days for the youngsters at the ACI-FDA Scouting Camp

    Maranello 2023

    Maranello 04 agosto 2023

    Four young drivers born in 2007 and 2008 have just spent four memorable days at the ACI-FDA Scouting Camp, which ended in Maranello today. Francesco Marenghi and Giacomo Pedrini, were there at the behest of ACISport, who organised this camp along with the FDA, while Maciej Gladysz and Jan Przyrowski had their names put forward by Tony Kart another long-time scouting partner of the Academy. The quartet had a fully immersive experience of the professionalism of Ferrari’s young driver programme and were able to show off their skills around the Fiorano track at the wheel of a Pirelli-shod Formula 4 car as used by the Prema team in the Italian championship.

    Assessment time. Setting benchmark lap times for the exercise was the Finn Tuukka Taponen, currently racing with Prema in the Italian and Euro4 series. He also gave useful advice to the youngsters as they tackled a race weekend simulation, from free practice, to qualifying and a race. All this under the watchful eye of the Ferrari Driver Academy experts who will now assess what they saw, to decide if any of the four youngsters deserve a place in the final part of the FDA selection process, the Scouting World Finals, which takes place in the autumn.